Medallion Viper 1 6.5 inch - Mail In Repair Service Touch Screen LCD Delamination
Before Repair
- Delaminated peeling bubble
- Poor touch response
- Burned discolored LCD
- Dark, black or dim backlight
- Faded or hazing appearance
- Bright vibrant colors
- 30% brighter LED backlight
- All settings preserved- no programming
- Superior electroplating anti glare
- Better bonding method for reliability
Previous customers before MTC-6B Repairs
Mail-In Service: How it works
DIY Option: How it works
Reuse your chips
Your expensive internal motherboard and chips are re-used as there is nothing wrong with them.
This allows for a much lower cost to repair and less waste.
Fully Tested
All mail-in service repairs receive an 8 point test and inspection to ensure quality prior to returning
Here is a Mastercraft final test after repair- check out how accurate the touch is now! All OEM features, look and feel, and functions are preserved with no programming necessary.
2 Installation Options Available to choose from

Chaparral customer
This customer loved their boat, but the delamination was unsightly and caused touch response issues. With the dealer telling them it will $5,000 for a new unit- they found mtc screens DIY option
After 40 minutes and watching our installation video, their boat was back on the water and better than new, all while saving over $3,500.

Improve your view
No need to live with the embarassing delaminated panel any more.